Academic Profile

Academic Appointments

2015 – 2018 Postdoctoral Researcher in Communication and Culture
Aarhus University, Denmark

2011 – 2013 Assistant Professor in Open Media
Concordia University, Canada


2017 Pedagogical Training: Adjunktpædagogikum
Teacher training program for Danish professors

2015 PhD UQAM (Canada), Arts
Thesis: Art in the Chaosmos: Individuation, Emergence, Aesthetics
Supervisor: Jean-Philippe Uzel
Committee: Brian Massumi and Bernard Stiegler
Research in Paris supervised by Bernard Stiegler
Institut de Recherche et d’Innovation du Centre Pompidou (2010 – 2011)

2007 MFA Concordia University (Canada), Open Media
Thesis: Architecture of Meaning: signals, space, time.
Supervisors: Erin Manning and Christopher Salter

2004 BFA Concordia University (Canada), Interdisciplinary Studies
Languages: English (native), French (native), Danish (beginner), German (beginner)

Teaching History
As Postdoc at Aarhus University

2018 Master thesis supervision:
New alterity relations: An examination of otherness, geneses, borders, displacements and developments in the humxn-technology relationship, exemplified in the relationship between humxns and artistic AI, by Fie Lund Mortensen

2018 Images and the Real
Undergraduate course in Aesthetics and Culture (10 ECTS)

2017 Aesthetics and (Post)Facticity
Workshop course for Masters in Comparative Literature (5 ECTS)

2016 Thematic Study: Epistemaesthetics
Aesthetics and Culture Graduate Course (10 ECTS)

2016 Posthuman Aesthetics
Art History Graduate Seminar, in tandem with Prof. Jacob Wamberg (3 ECTS)

2016 Posthuman Aesthetics MOOC
In tandem with Posthuman Aesthetics research project. (3 ECTS)

As Assistant Professor at Concordia University

2012-2013 Special Topics: Art and Contingency: Aesthetics and Speculative Realism (3 credits)

2012 Introduction to Digital Media (3 credits)

2012 Electronic Arts (3 credits)

2011-2012 Special Topics: Memory, Archive, Trace: Intro to Mnemotechnical Aesthetics
(3 credits)

2011 Introduction to Digital Media (3 credits)

Acquired Funding

2017 Human Futures Research Project Grant:
“Chronopolitics, Mnemotechnics and Post-Fact Aesthetics”

2016 Aarhus University Research Fund Project Grant:
“Chronopolitics, Mnemotechnics and Post-Fact Aesthetics”

2013 CALQ: research & production grant (Ænth: Cosmic Resonator)

2012 CALQ: production grant (Organon)

2010 Canada Council: research & production grant (Organon)

2008 Canada Council: research & production grant (Homo Faber)

2008 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council Canadian Graduate Scholarship
(Doctoral Fellowship)

2006 FRQSC Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (Masters Fellowship)

2005 Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (Canadian Masters Fellowship)